
2021 at the target - after 4 years of research and development


Our aim is to solve the disposal problem of GRP waste by converting waste into a reusable recyclate. As part of a preliminary project, it was examined whether this project could be realized at all. The results from the preliminary project and the associated findings have encouraged us and prompted us to launch an extensive research project.

With the support of Innosuisse, the collaboration of the University of Applied Sciences FHNW and various partners from industry, a process was developed after an extensive research phase that enables GRP recycling in the sense of the circular economy. By transforming the GRP waste into a new and innovative recyclate, this can be used for the manufacture of new products.

The following criteria were examined with regard to their achievability:

  • Technological feasibility of the recycling process
  • Economic feasibility of the business model
  • Ecological advantages of the process (life cycle assessment according to ISO 14040 / 14044)
    • 50% less CO2 - emissions
    • 70% less energy consumption
    • 100% recyclable - no greenwashing!

Since all criteria are now fulfilled this new recycling process can close the material cycle and thus contribute to ecological, economic and social sustainability.

The process and the products have reached the status of market maturity. For scaling up to industrial scale and market entry, we are looking for partners.

We look forward to hearing from you.



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